Resketch Notebooks
A few weeks ago the folks at Resketch sent me a few of their notebooks.

A few weeks ago the folks at Resketch sent me a few of their notebooks. I've been scribbling in them for a bit and I really like these things. The concept is clever and (to my knowledge) unique for a notebook. Instead of recycled paper, the Resketch notebooks are made of reclaimed paper. That's paper that is snagged from the waste stream before it hits recycling or landfill.

This means that the notebooks are made up of scraps, essentially. There are various weights, colors and textures in each notebook. One page might have printing on one side that you can doodle in between. Another might have a little reinforcement strip or a hole punched. You'll see grid, lined and plain in one notebook often. It's worth noting though that the vast majority of each of the various formats they sent me is made up of blank, usable surfaces. So while you will see castoff prints and variances, these are still very usable notebooks.

The why of the reclamation is pretty simple – recycling is a chemical process that's actually pretty waste and energy intensive itself. So using the paper that they can reclaim before anything but cutting and binding needs to be done to it is returning a keeping a lot more of that energy in the circular system.

They sent me a top bound 4x8" reporter's notebook ($16), a side bound standard 5x8" book ($22) and a pack of 3x5" journals ($14) which they bundle for $48 together. I really like these things though, somewhat unsurprisingly given my addiction to Field Notes, the small ones are my favorite. Great for scribbling on and keeping shoved in a back or shirt pocket.

I really love these notebooks. They're fun, they have a genuine and honest rationale for existing that benefits the earth and they've got a whiff of discovery built right in because you never know what the next page will bring to your workspace.